Telecalling Job in Uppala

Uppala, Kerala Full Time Date: 30 May 2024

Job description

Making Outbound Calls: Initiating calls to potential customers based on provided leads or lists. This could involve cold calling or following up on previous inquiries. Introducing Products or Services: Clearly and effectively explaining the features and benefits of the products or services being offered. Tailoring pitches to suit the needs and interests of the person being called. Handling Inbound Calls: Answering incoming calls from customers or clients who are responding to marketing materials or advertisements. This might involve providing information, answering questions, or directing calls to the appropriate department. Building Rapport: Establishing a positive and professional relationship with the person on the other end of the line. Building rapport can help in gaining trust and increasing the likelihood of a successful outcome, whether it's making a sale or setting up an appointment. Handling Objections: Addressing any concerns or objections that potential customers may have. This requires active listening, empathy, and the ability to provide appropriate responses to alleviate concerns. Closing Sales or Setting Appointments: Working towards achieving the desired outcome of the call, whether it's closing a sale or setting up an appointment for further discussion or demonstration. Maintaining Records: Keeping accurate records of calls made, responses received, and any follow-up actions required. This information is valuable for tracking performance and ensuring that leads are properly managed. Following Up: Following up on previous calls or inquiries to nurture leads and move them through the sales pipeline. This might involve sending follow-up emails, making additional calls, or providing additional information as needed. Adhering to Scripts or Guidelines: Following predefined scripts or guidelines provided by the company to ensure consistency in messaging and compliance with regulations or company policies. Continuous Learning and Improvement: Staying updated on product knowledge, sales techniques, and industry trends. Actively seeking feedback from supervisors or colleagues to identify areas for improvement and refine telecalling skills.