Telecalling Job in Kozhikode

Kozhikode, Kerala Full Time Date: 11 April 2024

Job description

Outbound Calling: In outbound telecalling, representatives proactively initiate calls to prospective customers or leads from a list provided by the organization. The purpose of outbound calling is to introduce products or services, qualify leads, schedule appointments, conduct surveys, or follow up on previous interactions. Inbound Calling: In inbound telecalling, representatives handle incoming calls from customers who respond to marketing campaigns, advertisements, or inquiries. The purpose of inbound calling is to provide information, answer questions, address concerns, take orders, process transactions, or provide customer support. Lead Generation: Telecalling is often used for lead generation activities, where representatives engage with potential customers to identify prospects who may be interested in the products or services offered by the organization. Telecallers gather relevant information, qualify leads based on criteria such as interest, budget, and timeline, and record details for follow-up. Sales and Conversion: Telecalling plays a crucial role in sales and conversion by persuading prospects to make a purchase, sign up for services, or take action on a promotional offer. Telecallers use sales techniques such as persuasion, negotiation, and objection handling to overcome objections and close deals over the phone. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Telecalling involves using CRM software or systems to manage customer interactions, track leads, and maintain customer records. Telecallers input call details, update contact information, and schedule follow-up activities to nurture leads and build relationships with customers over time. Scripting and Messaging: Telecallers often follow scripted dialogues or messaging guidelines provided by the organization to ensure consistency in communication and convey key selling points effectively. Scripts may include introductory greetings, product descriptions, value propositions, and call-to-action statements tailored to different types of calls. Objection Handling: Telecallers encounter objections or concerns from prospects during calls, such as price objections, timing objections, or objections related to product features. Telecallers are trained to address objections empathetically, provide solutions or alternatives, and attempt to overcome objections to move the conversation forward. Compliance and Regulations: Telecalling activities must comply with legal and regulatory requirements, including telemarketing regulations, privacy laws, and do-not-call lists. Telecallers are trained on compliance guidelines and procedures to ensure that calls are made in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Performance Metrics: Telecalling campaigns are evaluated based on key performance metrics such as call volume, conversion rate, average call duration, lead quality, and sales revenue. Organizations track and analyze telecalling metrics to measure campaign effectiveness, identify areas for improvement, and optimize performance over time. Training and Development: Telecallers undergo training and development programs to enhance their communication skills, product knowledge, sales techniques, and customer service abilities. Training may include role-playing exercises, product demonstrations, objection handling scenarios, and ongoing coaching and feedback to improve performance.