Telecalling Job in Ernakulam

Ernakulam, Kerala Full Time Date: 20 April 2024

Job description

Prospecting: Researching and identifying potential customers or clients based on target demographics, industries, or geographic locations. Outbound Calling: Initiating outbound calls to prospects using a script or talking points provided by the company. Telecallers introduce themselves, the company, and the products or services offered, and engage prospects in a conversation to gauge interest. Product or Service Promotion: Presenting the features, benefits, and value proposition of the products or services being offered to prospects. Telecallers aim to highlight the relevance and advantages of the offering to address the prospect's needs or pain points. Lead Generation: Qualifying leads by assessing the prospect's level of interest, budget, timeline, and decision-making authority. Telecallers collect relevant information and classify leads based on their likelihood of conversion. Appointment Setting: Scheduling appointments or meetings with qualified leads for further discussion or presentation by sales representatives or account managers. Telecallers coordinate schedules and confirm appointments to ensure a smooth handoff to the sales team. Follow-Up: Following up with prospects who have shown initial interest but have not yet made a decision. Telecallers may send follow-up emails, make additional calls, or provide additional information to nurture leads and move them through the sales funnel.