Telecalling Job in Alappuzha

Alappuzha, Kerala Full Time Date: 21 May 2024

Job description

Prospecting: Telecallers begin by identifying potential leads or prospects through research, databases, or lead generation tools. They may target specific demographics, industries, or geographic regions based on the organization's target market. Scripting: Telecallers typically follow a script or call guide provided by the organization. The script outlines key talking points, product/service features, benefits, and responses to common objections or questions raised by prospects. Introduction: Telecallers introduce themselves and the organization they represent at the beginning of the call. They briefly explain the purpose of the call and seek permission to proceed with the discussion. Pitching: Telecallers deliver a persuasive sales pitch to prospects, highlighting the value proposition of the product or service being offered. They focus on addressing the prospect's needs, pain points, or challenges and explain how the offering can solve their problems or fulfill their requirements. Handling Objections: Telecallers anticipate objections or concerns raised by prospects and address them effectively. They use rebuttals or responses from the script to overcome objections and persuade prospects to consider the offering. Qualifying Leads: Telecallers qualify leads by asking qualifying questions to assess the prospect's level of interest, budget, authority, and timeline. Qualified leads are those who meet the criteria and are deemed more likely to convert into customers. Appointment Setting: In some cases, telecallers may focus on appointment setting, scheduling meetings or demos with qualified leads for further discussion with sales representatives or account managers. Follow-Up: Telecallers follow up with prospects who have shown interest but are not ready to make a decision immediately. They may schedule follow-up calls or send follow-up emails to nurture leads and move them through the sales pipeline. Recording Data: Telecallers maintain accurate records of calls, including call outcomes, responses, and any relevant information obtained during the conversation. This data is entered into CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems or databases for tracking and analysis purposes. Compliance: Telecallers adhere to legal and regulatory requirements governing telemarketing activities, including obtaining consent for calling, respecting do-not-call lists, and complying with privacy regulations such as GDPR or TCPA.