Tandoor Maker Job in Kottayam

Kottayam, Kerala Full Time Date: 22 April 2024

Job description

Operating the Tandoor Oven: Prepare the tandoor oven for cooking by lighting charcoal or gas burners and heating the oven to the desired temperature. Monitor the temperature and adjust the heat as needed to maintain optimal cooking conditions. Preparing Marinades and Ingredients: Prepare marinades, spice blends, and seasoning mixtures for marinating meats and vegetables before cooking them in the tandoor oven. Use traditional recipes and techniques to create authentic flavors and enhance the taste of dishes. Cooking Tandoori Dishes: Cook a variety of tandoori dishes, including tandoori chicken, kebabs, skewers, and bread, in the tandoor oven. Place marinated meats and vegetables on skewers or racks and position them inside the oven to cook evenly and develop a smoky flavor. Monitoring Cooking Progress: Monitor the cooking progress of dishes in the tandoor oven, rotating skewers or adjusting positions to ensure even cooking and prevent burning. Use a long-handled tool (such as a skewer or tongs) to turn and flip items as needed during the cooking process. Ensuring Food Safety: Adhere to food safety standards and hygiene regulations when handling and cooking food in the tandoor oven. Ensure that meats are cooked to the proper internal temperature to ensure food safety and minimize the risk of foodborne illness. Maintaining Tandoor Equipment: Clean and maintain the tandoor oven and equipment, including the interior clay walls, grates, skewers, and doors. Remove ash, residue, and grease buildup from the oven regularly to ensure optimal performance and hygiene. Assisting with Menu Planning: Collaborate with the chef or kitchen team to plan and develop tandoori dishes for the menu, incorporating seasonal ingredients, regional flavors, and customer preferences. Provide input on recipe development and presentation techniques. Adhering to Quality Standards: Ensure that tandoori dishes meet quality standards in terms of taste, texture, appearance, and portion size. Taste and inspect dishes before serving to ensure that they meet the restaurant's standards for flavor and presentation. Collaborating with Kitchen Team: Coordinate with other kitchen staff, including chefs, cooks, and kitchen assistants, to ensure smooth operations and timely service. Communicate cooking times, order statuses, and special requests to maintain kitchen efficiency. Customer Interaction: Interact with customers to answer questions about tandoori dishes, provide recommendations, and accommodate special dietary requests or preferences. Offer information about cooking techniques, ingredients, and regional culinary traditions to enhance the dining experience. Managing Inventory: Monitor inventory levels of ingredients, spices, and supplies used for tandoori cooking, and notify the chef or management when supplies need to be replenished. Minimize waste and optimize ingredient usage to control food costs. Continuous Improvement: Stay updated on tandoori cooking techniques, trends, and innovations through training, research, and professional development opportunities. Experiment with new recipes, ingredients, and cooking methods to enhance the restaurant's tandoori offerings and attract customers.