Software Developer Job in Kozhikode

Kozhikode, Kerala Full Time Date: 24 June 2024

Job description

Requirements Analysis: Collaborate with stakeholders, clients, or end-users to gather and analyze software requirements. Software Developers identify user needs, define system functionalities, and document technical specifications to guide the development process. Design and Architecture: Design software solutions, including software architecture, user interface (UI) design, database design, and system integrations. Software Developers create technical designs, wireframes, and diagrams to outline system components and interactions. Programming and Coding: Write clean, efficient, and maintainable code using programming languages such as Python, Java, C#, JavaScript, or others depending on project requirements. Software Developers implement algorithms, data structures, and logic to achieve desired software functionalities. Testing and Debugging: Conduct unit testing, integration testing, and debugging to identify and resolve software defects. Software Developers use testing frameworks, debuggers, and testing tools to ensure code reliability, functionality, and performance. Version Control and Collaboration: Use version control systems (e.g., Git) to manage source code repositories, track changes, and collaborate with team members. Software Developers participate in code reviews, provide feedback, and ensure code quality and consistency. Software Deployment and Maintenance: Deploy software applications to production environments and manage software updates, patches, and version releases. Software Developers monitor application performance, troubleshoot issues, and implement enhancements or fixes as needed. Database Management: Develop and maintain database schemas, queries, and data manipulation scripts. Software Developers interact with databases (SQL, NoSQL) to store, retrieve, and manipulate data required by the software application. Documentation and Technical Writing: Create technical documentation, including system manuals, API documentation, and developer guides. Software Developers document code functionalities, APIs, and system architecture to facilitate maintenance and future enhancements. Security and Compliance: Implement security best practices and protocols to protect software applications from vulnerabilities and cyber threats. Software Developers adhere to coding standards, encryption methods, and data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA). Continuous Learning and Improvement: Stay updated with software development trends, technologies, and best practices. Software Developers participate in training programs, attend conferences, and engage in self-study to enhance technical skills and knowledge.