Software Developer Job in Kannur

Kannur, Kerala Full Time Date: 22 May 2024

Job description

Secure Coding Practices: Adhering to secure coding practices helps prevent common vulnerabilities like injection attacks, cross-site scripting (XSS), and insecure deserialization. This involves input validation, output encoding, parameterized queries, and using safe APIs. Authentication and Authorization: Implementing robust authentication mechanisms ensures that only authorized users can access the application. This includes multi-factor authentication (MFA), OAuth, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), and session management. Data Encryption: Encrypting sensitive data at rest and in transit protects it from unauthorized access. Utilize encryption algorithms like AES for data encryption and TLS/SSL for secure communication over the network. Handling of Sensitive Information: Properly handling and storing sensitive information, such as passwords and API keys, is critical. This involves secure password storage using techniques like hashing with salt, and managing secrets securely using tools like Vault or AWS Secrets Manager. Security Headers: Implementing security headers like Content Security Policy (CSP), Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS), and X-Content-Type-Options helps protect against various types of attacks such as XSS and clickjacking. Input Validation: Validating and sanitizing user input helps prevent injection attacks and other security vulnerabilities. This includes checking input length, data type validation, and input sanitization to ensure only valid data is processed. Security Testing: Conducting regular security testing, including static code analysis, dynamic application security testing (DAST), and penetration testing, helps identify and remediate security vulnerabilities early in the development lifecycle. Secure Deployment: Ensuring secure deployment practices, such as using containerization with Docker, deploying on secure servers, and implementing security patches and updates regularly, helps protect the application in production. User Education: Educating users about security best practices, such as choosing strong passwords, recognizing phishing attempts, and enabling two-factor authentication, helps improve overall security posture.