Security Job in Thiruvananthapuram

Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Full Time Date: 14 June 2024

Job description

Risk Assessment: Identify, assess, and analyze potential security risks, threats, and vulnerabilities to determine the likelihood and impact of security incidents or breaches. Conduct risk assessments of physical, digital, and operational assets to prioritize security measures and controls. Security Planning and Strategy: Develop comprehensive security plans, strategies, and policies to mitigate identified risks and enhance security posture. Establish security objectives, goals, and performance metrics aligned with organizational priorities and regulatory requirements. Physical Security: Implement physical security measures and controls to protect facilities, premises, and assets from unauthorized access, intrusion, theft, vandalism, and other security threats. Install and maintain security systems, such as access control systems, surveillance cameras, alarms, and perimeter barriers. Access Control: Manage access to restricted areas, sensitive information, and critical assets by implementing access control policies, procedures, and technologies. Authenticate and authorize individuals, employees, visitors, and contractors to ensure appropriate access rights and privileges. Security Personnel: Recruit, train, and deploy security personnel, such as security guards, officers, and patrols, to monitor and protect premises, respond to security incidents, and enforce security policies and procedures. Incident Response and Crisis Management: Establish protocols and procedures for responding to security incidents, emergencies, and crises. Develop incident response plans, escalation procedures, and communication protocols to mitigate risks and minimize the impact of security incidents. Security Awareness and Training: Provide security awareness training and education to employees, stakeholders, and third-party vendors to promote a culture of security awareness and compliance. Raise awareness about common security threats, best practices, and procedures for reporting security incidents. Information Security: Protect sensitive and confidential information from unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse through information security measures and controls. Implement data encryption, access controls, data loss prevention (DLP) tools, and security policies to safeguard digital assets and information systems. Cybersecurity: Implement cybersecurity measures and controls to defend against cyber threats, such as malware, phishing attacks, ransomware, and data breaches. Conduct regular security assessments, vulnerability scans, and penetration tests to identify and address security weaknesses in IT systems and networks. Compliance and Regulation: Ensure compliance with security regulations, standards, and industry best practices relevant to the organization's operations and industry sector. Stay updated on regulatory requirements, security frameworks, and legal obligations related to security and privacy. Security Monitoring and Surveillance: Monitor security systems, alarms, and surveillance cameras to detect and respond to security incidents, unauthorized activities, or suspicious behavior in real-time. Conduct security patrols, inspections, and audits to ensure adherence to security policies and procedures. Continuous Improvement: Continuously assess, evaluate, and improve security processes, controls, and measures to adapt to evolving security threats and risks. Conduct post-incident reviews, lessons learned exercises, and security performance evaluations to identify areas for enhancement and optimization. Overall, security profession