Security Job in Kochi

Kochi, Kerala Full Time Date: 22 June 2024

Job description

Physical Security: Access Control: Implementing measures to control and restrict access to physical locations, buildings, or sensitive areas using methods like locks, keys, access cards, or biometric systems. Surveillance: Monitoring and surveillance systems such as CCTV cameras, motion detectors, and security patrols to detect and deter unauthorized activities or intrusions. Perimeter Security: Securing boundaries and perimeters with fences, barriers, gates, and lighting to prevent unauthorized access. Cybersecurity: Network Security: Protecting computer networks from unauthorized access, cyberattacks, malware, and data breaches through firewalls, encryption, and intrusion detection systems (IDS). Data Protection: Safeguarding sensitive data and information stored electronically or transmitted over networks using encryption, secure protocols, and data backup measures. Security Awareness: Educating employees and users about cybersecurity best practices, phishing prevention, password hygiene, and recognizing social engineering tactics. Risk Management: Risk Assessment: Identifying potential security risks and vulnerabilities through assessments, audits, and threat modeling to prioritize mitigation efforts. Risk Mitigation: Implementing controls, policies, and procedures to reduce risks to an acceptable level, including contingency plans and disaster recovery strategies. Personnel Security: Background Checks: Screening employees, contractors, and visitors through background checks, reference verifications, and credentialing to mitigate insider threats. Training and Awareness: Providing security training and awareness programs to educate personnel about security policies, procedures, and their roles in maintaining security. Emergency Preparedness: Incident Response: Establishing procedures and protocols for responding to security incidents, emergencies, or crises, including escalation procedures and communication plans. Business Continuity: Developing and testing plans to ensure continuity of operations during disruptions, disasters, or unforeseen events. Physical Safety and Personal Security: Personal Safety Measures: Providing personal safety training, self-defense techniques, and emergency response protocols to protect individuals from physical harm or threats. Emergency Contacts: Establishing emergency contact points, alarm systems, and procedures for reporting emergencies and seeking assistance. Compliance and Legal Considerations: Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to security standards, regulations, and industry best practices relevant to specific sectors such as healthcare (HIPAA), finance (PCI-DSS), and data protection (GDPR). Legal Protection: Ensuring security measures comply with legal requirements related to privacy, data protection, liability, and incident reporting. Ethical and Cultural Sensitivity: Respect for Privacy: Balancing security measures with respect for individuals' privacy rights and confidentiality. Cultural Awareness: Considering cultural norms and sensitivities when implementing security measures in diverse environments or communities.