Security Job in Kayamkulam

Kayamkulam, Kerala Full Time Date: 11 June 2024

Job description

Access Control: Monitor and control access to the clinic premises, including entrances, exits, and restricted areas, to prevent unauthorized entry and maintain security. Verify the identity of individuals entering the facility, such as patients, visitors, vendors, and service providers, and ensure compliance with clinic policies and procedures. Visitor Management: Greet and assist visitors upon arrival, provide information and directions as needed, and ensure that they sign in/out and wear visitor badges or identification badges as required. Escort authorized visitors to their destinations within the facility and coordinate with clinic staff to facilitate appointments, meetings, and visits. Patrol and Surveillance: Conduct regular patrols and surveillance rounds of the clinic premises, both indoors and outdoors, to deter criminal activity, detect security breaches, and respond to emergencies. Monitor security cameras, alarms, and other surveillance systems to identify suspicious behavior, safety hazards, or security incidents in real-time. Emergency Response: Respond promptly to emergencies, security incidents, medical crises, and safety hazards, following established protocols and procedures for emergency management and crisis intervention. Assist in evacuating the facility, providing first aid, controlling crowds, and coordinating with emergency services (e.g., police, fire department, EMS) as needed. Conflict Resolution: Mediate conflicts, disputes, and disturbances that arise within the clinic environment, using effective communication, de-escalation techniques, and conflict resolution strategies to maintain peace and order. Intervene in situations involving disruptive behavior, aggression, or violence, and take appropriate action to ensure the safety and security of individuals involved. Security Screening: Conduct security screenings of individuals, belongings, and vehicles entering the facility, including bag checks, metal detector scans, and other screening measures as necessary. Enforce security policies related to prohibited items, weapons, drugs, and other contraband, and confiscate unauthorized items in accordance with clinic guidelines. Security Escort: Provide security escort services to patients, staff, and visitors upon request, especially during late hours or in isolated areas, to enhance personal safety and security. Accompany individuals to and from parking areas, public transportation stops, or nearby facilities, ensuring their safety during transit. Crime Prevention: Implement crime prevention measures, such as perimeter security, lighting improvements, and environmental design strategies, to reduce the risk of theft, vandalism, and other criminal activities. Collaborate with local law enforcement agencies, neighborhood watch groups, and community stakeholders to address safety concerns and implement crime prevention initiatives. Training and Awareness: Provide security training, orientation, and awareness programs for clinic staff, volunteers, and contractors, emphasizing the importance of security protocols, emergency procedures, and personal safety measures. Conduct security drills, tabletop exercises, and scenario-based training sessions to ensure preparedness and readiness for various security threats and emergencies. Incident Reporting and Documentation: Document security incidents, observations, and activities in written reports, logs, or incident forms, detailing the nature of the incident, actions taken, and outcomes. Report security breaches, safety hazards, policy violations, and unusual incidents to appropriate authorities, supervisors, or management personnel for investigation and follow-up.