Photographer Job in Thiruvananthapuram

Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Full Time Date: 11 June 2024

Job description

Client Communication: Understanding clients' needs, preferences, and objectives for the photoshoot. Communicating effectively to establish rapport, clarify expectations, and ensure client satisfaction. Preparation and Planning: Planning the logistics, location, timing, and equipment needed for the shoot. This may involve scouting locations, obtaining permits, and coordinating with other team members if it's a collaborative effort. Equipment Setup: Selecting and setting up the appropriate camera, lenses, lighting equipment, and accessories for the shoot. Ensuring all equipment is in working order and properly calibrated for optimal performance. Composition and Framing: Framing shots creatively and thoughtfully to capture visually appealing compositions. Adjusting camera angles, perspectives, and focal lengths to achieve desired effects and convey the intended message. Lighting Control: Manipulating natural or artificial light to enhance the mood, atmosphere, and aesthetic quality of the images. Using techniques such as natural light, studio lighting, reflectors, and diffusers to achieve desired lighting effects. Posing and Directing Subjects: Directing and guiding subjects to achieve natural and flattering poses that convey emotion, personality, and authenticity. Providing clear instructions and feedback to help subjects feel comfortable and confident in front of the camera. Technical Proficiency: Demonstrating proficiency in camera settings, exposure, focus, depth of field, and other technical aspects of photography. Adjusting settings on the fly to adapt to changing conditions and achieve optimal image quality. Post-Processing and Editing: Editing and retouching images using photo editing software to enhance color, contrast, sharpness, and other aspects of the image. Ensuring consistency in style and quality across all edited images. Client Delivery: Delivering final images to clients according to agreed-upon timelines and specifications. Providing options for digital or physical delivery and offering additional services such as prints or albums if desired. Marketing and Promotion: Promoting your work through online portfolios, social media, networking events, and other marketing channels to attract new clients and opportunities. Showcasing a diverse range of work to demonstrate expertise and versatility. Business Management: Managing administrative tasks such as scheduling appointments, invoicing clients, maintaining financial records, and handling contracts and agreements. Building and maintaining client relationships to foster repeat business and referrals. Continued Learning and Development: Staying updated on industry trends, techniques, and technology advancements through workshops, seminars, online courses, and peer networking. Continuously honing skills and experimenting with new ideas to evolve as a photographer.