Petrol Filling Job in Palakkad

Palakkad, Kerala Full Time Date: 21 May 2024

Job description

Customer Interaction: Petrol filling involves interacting with customers who drive their vehicles to petrol stations to refuel. Attendants or customers themselves may initiate the petrol filling process by selecting the desired fuel grade and activating the fuel pump. Safety Precautions: Safety is paramount during petrol filling operations. Both customers and petrol station attendants must adhere to safety protocols to prevent accidents, fires, or spills. This includes turning off vehicle engines, avoiding smoking or using mobile phones near fueling areas, and using static electricity discharge devices. Fuel Selection: Customers choose the type and grade of fuel they require for their vehicles based on their engine specifications and personal preferences. Petrol stations typically offer different grades of petrol, such as regular unleaded, premium unleaded, or diesel, each with varying octane ratings and prices. Dispensing Fuel: Once the fuel type and grade are selected, the petrol station attendant or customer inserts the fuel nozzle into the vehicle's fuel tank inlet. The fuel pump is activated, and petrol is dispensed into the vehicle's tank until the desired amount or fuel level is reached. Monitoring Fueling Process: During the petrol filling process, the attendant or customer monitors the fueling progress to ensure that the correct amount of fuel is dispensed and that there are no leaks or spills. Most modern fuel pumps are equipped with automatic shut-off mechanisms to prevent overfilling. Payment: After the petrol filling is complete, customers are required to pay for the fuel dispensed. Payment methods may vary and can include cash, credit/debit cards, mobile payment apps, or petrol station loyalty cards. Customers may pay at the pump using card readers or inside the petrol station's convenience store. Receipt Issuance: Upon completion of the transaction, customers receive a receipt for the fuel purchase, which includes details such as the amount of fuel dispensed, the total cost, and the date and time of the transaction. Receipts serve as proof of purchase and may be required for expense tracking or reimbursement purposes. Clean-Up and Maintenance: Petrol station attendants are responsible for maintaining clean and orderly fueling areas and equipment. This includes regularly checking fuel pumps for proper functioning, cleaning up any spills or leaks promptly, and disposing of waste materials safely. Environmental Compliance: Petrol stations must adhere to environmental regulations and best practices to prevent soil and water contamination from fuel spills or leaks. They may implement spill containment measures, install underground fuel storage tanks with leak detection systems, and conduct regular inspections and environmental audits. Customer Service: Petrol station attendants provide assistance and customer service to patrons during the fueling process. They may offer help with fuel selection, provide information on petrol station amenities or services, and address any concerns or inquiries raised by customers.