Petrol Filling Job in Feroke

Feroke, Kerala Full Time Date: 22 May 2024

Job description

Fire Safety: Preventing fires and explosions is a top priority. This involves ensuring that all equipment, including pumps, nozzles, and storage tanks, is in good working condition. Regular inspections and maintenance help identify potential hazards, such as leaks or faulty equipment, and address them promptly. Static Electricity Prevention: Static electricity can ignite fuel vapors, leading to fires or explosions. To prevent this, grounding equipment such as vehicles and fuel containers before filling helps discharge any static buildup. Avoiding activities that generate static electricity, such as cell phone usage or shuffling feet, also reduces the risk. Spill Prevention and Cleanup: Spills pose environmental hazards and safety risks. Proper nozzle operation, monitoring fuel levels during filling, and using spill containment measures such as drip pans or absorbent materials help prevent spills. Promptly addressing spills with spill kits and following cleanup procedures minimizes environmental impact and safety risks. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Wearing appropriate PPE, such as gloves and safety goggles, protects attendants from exposure to fuel and chemicals. PPE should be provided and maintained by the petrol station to ensure the safety of staff. Security Cameras and Lighting: Installing security cameras and adequate lighting enhances security and deters theft or vandalism. Surveillance cameras can monitor activity at the petrol station, while well-lit areas improve visibility and discourage criminal behavior. Cash Handling Procedures: Implementing secure cash handling procedures reduces the risk of theft or robbery. This may include limiting cash on hand, using drop safes or cash drawers with limited access, and regularly depositing cash into a secure location. Customer Verification: Verifying customer identification and ensuring compliance with age restrictions for purchasing fuel or other restricted products promotes safety and regulatory compliance. This helps prevent unauthorized access to fuel and ensures that customers meet legal requirements for purchasing fuel. Emergency Response Training: Providing staff with training in emergency response procedures, including fire evacuation, spill cleanup, and first aid, prepares them to respond effectively to emergencies. Regular drills and refresher training help reinforce these procedures and ensure staff readiness.