Peon Job in Alappuzha

Alappuzha, Kerala Full Time Date: 22 May 2024

Job description

Physical Security: As a peon, you may be tasked with maintaining the security of the premises by ensuring that doors and windows are properly locked, monitoring entrances and exits, and reporting any suspicious activities or security breaches to appropriate personnel. Confidentiality: You may come into contact with sensitive information while performing tasks such as handling mail, documents, or electronic files. Respecting the confidentiality of this information is essential to maintain trust within the organization and protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or disclosure. Property and Equipment Security: Taking care of company property, equipment, and supplies helps prevent theft, loss, or damage. This may involve safely storing equipment when not in use, securing valuable items, and reporting any maintenance issues or security concerns to supervisors. Emergency Response: In the event of emergencies such as fires, medical incidents, or security threats, you may be called upon to assist in evacuations, provide first aid, or alert emergency services. Being familiar with emergency procedures and protocols helps ensure a prompt and effective response to critical situations. Cybersecurity Awareness: While your role may not directly involve using computers or digital devices, being aware of cybersecurity risks and best practices can help prevent social engineering attacks or unauthorized access to company systems. This includes being cautious about sharing sensitive information and reporting any suspicious activities to the appropriate personnel. Customer Service Security: If your duties involve interacting with customers, visitors, or other employees, maintaining a professional and courteous demeanor contributes to a positive and secure environment. Being attentive to individuals' needs while remaining vigilant against potential security threats helps ensure a safe and pleasant experience for everyone.