Hospital Administration Job in Kasargod

Kasargod, Kerala Full Time Date: 27 May 2024

Job description

Strategic Planning: Developing and implementing strategic plans, goals, and objectives for the hospital in alignment with its mission and vision. This includes identifying areas for growth, improvement, and innovation in healthcare delivery. Financial Management: Managing the hospital's budget, finances, and revenue cycle. This involves budget planning, financial forecasting, revenue generation, expense management, and financial reporting. Human Resources Management: Recruiting, hiring, training, and managing hospital staff, including physicians, nurses, administrative personnel, and support staff. Ensuring adequate staffing levels to meet patient needs and regulatory requirements. Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations, accreditation standards, and licensing requirements. This includes staying up-to-date with changes in healthcare laws and regulations and implementing policies and procedures to maintain compliance. Quality Improvement: Implementing quality improvement initiatives to enhance patient care, safety, and satisfaction. This involves monitoring clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction scores, and quality metrics and making improvements as needed. Patient Care Coordination: Overseeing patient care coordination and continuity of care throughout the hospital. This includes coordinating admissions, discharges, transfers, and follow-up care to ensure seamless transitions for patients. Facilities Management: Managing hospital facilities, equipment, and infrastructure to ensure a safe and functional environment for patients, staff, and visitors. This includes maintenance, repairs, renovations, and upgrades as needed. Information Technology (IT) Management: Overseeing the implementation and maintenance of healthcare IT systems, including electronic health records (EHR), medical billing systems, and patient scheduling software. Ensuring the security, integrity, and interoperability of healthcare data. Supply Chain Management: Managing the hospital's supply chain to ensure the availability of medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, and equipment. This includes inventory management, procurement, vendor relationships, and cost containment strategies. Community Relations: Building positive relationships with the local community, patients, families, and stakeholders. This includes community outreach, public relations, and patient education initiatives to promote health and wellness. Emergency Preparedness: Developing and implementing emergency preparedness plans to respond to natural disasters, public health emergencies, and other crisis situations. This involves coordinating with local authorities, emergency response agencies, and healthcare providers to ensure a timely and effective response. Ethics and Compliance: Upholding ethical standards and promoting ethical behavior in all aspects of hospital operations. This includes ensuring patient confidentiality, respecting patient rights, and addressing ethical dilemmas that may arise in healthcare delivery.