Helper Job in Alappuzha

Alappuzha, Kerala Full Time Date: 23 May 2024

Job description

Assistant or Aide: In many contexts, a helper is someone who assists another person or group in completing tasks or achieving objectives. This could involve providing support in administrative tasks, physical labor, or technical work. Apprentice or Trainee: In trades and skilled professions, a helper may be an apprentice or trainee who works under the guidance of a more experienced worker to learn the necessary skills and techniques of the trade. Support Worker: In healthcare, social services, or education, a helper may refer to someone who provides assistance and support to individuals with disabilities, special needs, or other challenges. This could involve personal care, companionship, or facilitating access to services and resources. Laborer or Assistant: In construction, manufacturing, or other labor-intensive industries, a helper may be responsible for tasks such as carrying materials, operating machinery, or assisting skilled workers in completing projects. Service Provider: In customer service or hospitality settings, a helper may be a frontline employee who assists customers or guests with their needs, inquiries, or requests. This could include tasks such as serving food and beverages, providing information, or resolving issues. Volunteer: Helpers can also be individuals who offer their time and expertise on a voluntary basis to support organizations, causes, or communities. This could involve activities such as fundraising, mentoring, or community outreach.