Field Sales Executive Job in Valanchery

Valanchery, Kerala Full Time Date: 22 May 2024

Job description

Personal Safety: Prioritize your personal safety when meeting clients or prospects, especially in unfamiliar locations. Let someone know your whereabouts and schedule, and consider using a tracking app or checking in periodically for added security. Secure Communication: Use secure communication channels, such as encrypted email or messaging apps, when discussing sensitive information or sharing company data with clients. Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks for transmitting confidential information to prevent interception or hacking. Identity Verification: Verify the identity of clients or prospects before engaging in business discussions or sharing sensitive information. Look for official company email addresses, phone numbers, or websites, and request identification if meeting in person for the first time. Secure Payment Processing: When processing payments or collecting financial information from clients, use secure payment processing systems and avoid storing payment data on personal devices. Follow PCI DSS compliance standards and encryption protocols to protect customer payment information. Data Protection: Protect company data and customer information by adhering to data protection policies and guidelines. Avoid storing sensitive data on personal devices or cloud storage solutions that may not be secure. Use company-approved devices and systems for accessing and managing customer data. Emergency Preparedness: Be prepared for emergencies or unexpected situations while on the field. Carry a charged mobile phone, emergency contact information, and basic first aid supplies. Familiarize yourself with local emergency services and procedures in the areas you visit. Vehicle Safety: If driving is part of your job, prioritize vehicle safety by ensuring regular maintenance checks, keeping emergency supplies in the car, and following safe driving practices. Park in well-lit and secure areas when visiting clients or making stops. Training and Awareness: Stay informed about security best practices and potential threats relevant to your field sales role. Participate in training sessions or workshops provided by your company on topics such as cybersecurity, personal safety, and fraud prevention.