EVS Teacher Job in Uppala

Uppala, Kerala Full Time Date: 06 June 2024

Job description

Curriculum Development: Developing and planning environmental studies curriculum based on educational standards, student needs, and learning objectives. You design lessons, activities, and projects that cover topics such as ecosystems, biodiversity, conservation, pollution, climate change, and sustainable development. Instruction and Delivery: Delivering effective instruction in environmental concepts, principles, and practices. You use a variety of teaching methods and resources, including lectures, discussions, multimedia presentations, hands-on activities, field trips, and experiential learning opportunities to engage students and promote active learning. Ecological Concepts and Processes: Teaching students about ecological concepts and processes such as energy flow, nutrient cycling, food webs, and ecological succession. You explore ecological relationships and interactions between organisms and their environment, and discuss the impact of human activities on ecosystems. Biodiversity and Conservation: Educating students about the importance of biodiversity, conservation, and habitat preservation. You introduce students to different ecosystems, species diversity, and the role of protected areas and conservation efforts in safeguarding biodiversity and endangered species. Pollution and Environmental Health: Explaining the sources, impacts, and mitigation of environmental pollution on human health and ecosystems. You discuss air pollution, water pollution, soil contamination, waste management, and hazardous substances, and explore strategies for pollution prevention and remediation. Climate Change and Global Warming: Teaching students about climate change science, greenhouse gas emissions, and the consequences of global warming on the environment and society. You discuss climate patterns, weather phenomena, sea level rise, extreme weather events, and the role of human activities in driving climate change. Sustainability and Resource Management: Promoting sustainability principles and practices for responsible resource management and consumption. You discuss sustainable development goals, renewable energy, water conservation, waste reduction, recycling, and sustainable agriculture, and explore solutions for achieving a more sustainable future. Environmental Stewardship and Citizenship: Fostering environmental stewardship and responsible citizenship among students. You encourage students to become informed and active participants in environmental conservation and advocacy efforts, and promote civic engagement, community involvement, and environmental responsibility. Field Studies and Outdoor Education: Organizing field trips, nature walks, and outdoor education experiences to explore local ecosystems and natural habitats. You lead students on environmental excursions to parks, nature reserves, wetlands, and other outdoor settings, and facilitate hands-on learning activities and observations in the field. Assessment and Evaluation: Assessing student learning through a variety of assessment methods, including quizzes, tests, projects, presentations, and reflective journals. You evaluate student performance based on established criteria, provide feedback on achievements and areas for improvement, and communicate progress to students and parents.