Electronic Technician Job in Thrissur

Thrissur, Kerala Full Time Date: 31 May 2024

Job description

Equipment Installation: Installing and configuring electronic equipment and systems, including but not limited to, audiovisual systems, telecommunications equipment, security systems, industrial automation systems, and medical equipment. Repair and Maintenance: Diagnosing and repairing electronic equipment and systems to ensure they function properly and efficiently. This may involve replacing faulty components, troubleshooting circuitry, and performing calibration and adjustments. Testing and Quality Control: Conducting tests and quality checks on electronic equipment and systems to verify proper functionality, performance, and compliance with specifications and standards. This may include using specialized testing equipment and software. Component-Level Repair: Performing repairs at the component level, which involves soldering, desoldering, and replacing individual electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, transistors, integrated circuits, and connectors. Circuit Design and Prototyping: Assisting with the design and prototyping of electronic circuits and systems by creating schematic diagrams, selecting components, and assembling prototype circuits for testing and evaluation. Preventive Maintenance: Implementing preventive maintenance programs to proactively identify and address potential issues before they escalate into major problems. This may involve scheduled inspections, cleaning, and calibration of equipment. Documentation and Reporting: Maintaining accurate records of equipment repairs, maintenance activities, test results, and inventory levels. This documentation helps track equipment history, identify recurring issues, and ensure regulatory compliance. Safety Compliance: Ensuring that electronic equipment and systems meet safety standards and regulations to protect users and prevent accidents or hazards. This may involve conducting safety inspections, implementing safety protocols, and providing training on safe operation and handling of equipment. Customer Support: Providing technical support and assistance to customers, end-users, and other stakeholders regarding the operation, troubleshooting, and maintenance of electronic equipment and systems. This may include phone support, onsite visits, and remote assistance. Continuing Education: Staying updated on the latest advancements in electronics technology, industry trends, and best practices through training programs, workshops, certifications, and professional development activities. Team Collaboration: Collaborating with engineers, designers, technicians, and other professionals to solve complex technical problems, develop innovative solutions, and optimize the performance of electronic systems.