Back End Developer Job in Thiruvananthapuram

Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Full Time Date: 28 May 2024

Job description

Server-side Development: Writing clean, efficient, and scalable code to implement server-side logic using programming languages such as Python, Node.js, Java, Ruby, or PHP. Back-end developers design and develop the core functionality of web applications, including handling requests, processing data, and generating responses. Database Management: Designing and managing databases to store and retrieve application data efficiently. Back-end developers work with relational databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server) or NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB, Cassandra) to model data structures, define schemas, and optimize database queries. API Development: Designing and implementing RESTful or GraphQL APIs to enable communication between the front end and back end of web applications. Back-end developers define API endpoints, request/response formats, and authentication/authorization mechanisms to expose application functionality to clients. Authentication and Authorization: Implementing user authentication and authorization mechanisms to secure access to application resources. Back-end developers use techniques such as JWT (JSON Web Tokens), OAuth, and session management to authenticate users and authorize their actions based on permissions and roles. Middleware Development: Developing middleware components to handle cross-cutting concerns such as logging, caching, error handling, and request/response processing. Back-end developers implement middleware layers to improve application performance, reliability, and maintainability. Integration with Third-party Services: Integrating web applications with external services and APIs, such as payment gateways, social media platforms, and cloud services. Back-end developers configure API integrations, handle authentication/authorization, and implement error handling mechanisms to ensure seamless communication with external services. Performance Optimization: Identifying performance bottlenecks and optimizing application performance through code refactoring, query optimization, caching strategies, and resource allocation. Back-end developers use profiling tools and performance monitoring solutions to analyze application performance and implement optimizations. Security Best Practices: Implementing security best practices to protect web applications against common vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and injection attacks. Back-end developers follow security guidelines, encrypt sensitive data, and validate user inputs to mitigate security risks. Version Control and Collaboration: Using version control systems (e.g., Git) to manage code changes, collaborate with other developers, and track project history. Back-end developers commit code changes, create branches, and merge code branches to maintain codebase integrity and facilitate collaboration. Testing and Debugging: Writing unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests to ensure code quality, reliability, and functionality. Back-end developers use testing frameworks and debugging tools to identify and fix bugs, verify software requirements, and prevent regression errors.