Ayurveda Therapist Job in Malappuram

Malappuram, Kerala Full Time Date: 28 June 2024

Job description

Client Consultation and Assessment: Conducting initial consultations with clients to understand their health concerns, medical history, and lifestyle factors. Assessing the client's Prakriti (constitution) and Vikriti (current imbalance) through pulse diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha) and physical examination. Treatment Planning and Protocol: Developing personalized treatment plans and therapeutic protocols based on the client's Dosha imbalance and specific health needs. Consulting with Ayurvedic Doctors or Practitioners to tailor therapies, herbal remedies, and dietary recommendations for holistic healing. Ayurvedic Therapies and Treatments: Administering various traditional Ayurvedic therapies and treatments, such as: Abhyanga: Full-body oil massage to improve circulation, relax muscles, and detoxify the body. Shirodhara: Oil pouring therapy on the forehead to calm the mind, reduce stress, and balance the nervous system. Panchakarma: Detoxification and rejuvenation therapies including Vamana (emesis), Virechana (purgation), Basti (enema), Nasya (nasal cleansing), and Raktamokshana (bloodletting) under supervision. Swedana: Herbal steam therapy to induce sweating, eliminate toxins, and improve circulation. Herbal Remedies and External Applications: Applying herbal pastes, poultices, and oils externally as part of therapeutic treatments to alleviate specific health conditions and support healing. Ensuring the quality, purity, and safety of herbal preparations used in treatments according to Ayurvedic principles. Dietary and Lifestyle Guidance: Providing dietary recommendations and lifestyle advice based on Ayurvedic principles to support health maintenance and balance Doshas. Educating clients on seasonal routines (Ritucharya) and daily regimens (Dinacharya) for optimal well-being and disease prevention. Health Education and Awareness: Educating clients about Ayurvedic concepts, principles of natural healing, and the importance of maintaining balance in mind, body, and spirit. Conducting wellness workshops, seminars, or individual sessions to promote self-care practices and holistic health awareness. Safety and Hygiene Standards: Adhering to strict hygiene practices and sanitation standards in therapy rooms, equipment, and tools to ensure client safety and prevent infections. Following protocols for cleanliness, sterilization of equipment, and disposal of used materials in accordance with Ayurvedic and regulatory guidelines. Client Communication and Follow-up: Communicating effectively with clients regarding treatment plans, expectations, and progress during therapy sessions. Monitoring and documenting client responses to therapies, adjusting treatments as necessary, and providing ongoing support and encouragement. Collaboration and Referral: Collaborating with Ayurvedic Doctors, Practitioners, or other healthcare professionals to integrate therapies and treatments with conventional medical care when needed. Referring clients to Ayurvedic Doctors for further consultation, diagnosis, or specialized treatments beyond the scope of therapy. Professional Development and Ethics: Participating in continuing education programs, workshops, and seminars to enhance skills, knowledge of Ayurvedic therapies, and professional development. Upholding ethical standards, confidentiality, and patient-centered care in all interactions with clients and healthcare team members.