Ayurveda Therapist Job in Alappuzha

Alappuzha, Kerala Full Time Date: 29 June 2024

Job description

Patient Consultation and Assessment: Conduct initial consultations with clients to assess their health concerns, medical history, lifestyle, and current imbalances (Vikriti) according to Ayurvedic principles. Perform Ayurvedic diagnostic techniques such as pulse diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha), tongue examination, and assessment of doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) to determine the individual's constitution (Prakriti) and specific health needs. Treatment Planning and Therapy Administration: Develop personalized treatment plans and recommend Ayurvedic therapies based on the client's Prakriti and Vikriti. Administer various Ayurvedic therapies including: Abhyanga: Therapeutic oil massage to promote relaxation, detoxification, and balance of doshas. Shirodhara: Continuous pouring of warm oil over the forehead to calm the nervous system and promote mental clarity. Panchakarma: Comprehensive detoxification and rejuvenation therapies involving procedures like Vamana (therapeutic vomiting), Virechana (purgation), Basti (enema), Nasya (nasal cleansing), and Raktamokshana (bloodletting). Swedana: Herbal steam therapy to induce sweating and eliminate toxins from the body. Udvartana: Dry herbal powder massage to exfoliate the skin, improve circulation, and reduce cellulite. Dietary Counseling: Provide guidance on dietary adjustments, nutritional recommendations, and Ayurvedic nutrition principles to support healing and balance doshas. Herbal Medicine Administration: Prepare and administer Ayurvedic herbal formulations, oils, and medicated ghee (clarified butter) as part of therapeutic treatments. Educate clients on the benefits, usage, and dosage of Ayurvedic herbs and supplements to support their health goals. Yoga and Meditation Guidance: Recommend specific yoga asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), and meditation techniques tailored to balance doshas and enhance overall well-being. Integrate Ayurvedic principles into yoga and meditation practices to promote physical, mental, and emotional harmony. Patient Education and Lifestyle Counseling: Educate clients about Ayurvedic lifestyle practices including daily routines (Dinacharya), seasonal routines (Ritucharya), and self-care techniques to maintain balance and prevent disease. Offer guidance on stress management, sleep hygiene, and mindfulness practices aligned with Ayurvedic principles. Documentation and Follow-Up: Maintain accurate records of client assessments, treatment plans, therapies administered, and progress notes. Conduct follow-up sessions to monitor client response to treatments, adjust therapy plans as needed, and provide ongoing support and guidance. Safety and Hygiene Practices: Adhere to strict hygiene standards, safety protocols, and infection control measures during therapy administration. Ensure cleanliness and sanitation of treatment rooms, equipment, and herbal preparations to promote a safe and comfortable environment for clients. Professional Development and Collaboration: Stay updated with advancements in Ayurvedic therapies, research, and best practices through continuing education, workshops, and seminars. Collaborate with Ayurvedic doctors, practitioners, and healthcare professionals to coordinate client care, discuss treatment protocols, and refer clients for additional medical evaluation or specialized care when necessary.