Ayurveda Doctor Job in Malappuram

Malappuram, Kerala Full Time Date: 28 June 2024

Job description

Patient Consultation and Diagnosis: Conducting thorough consultations with patients to assess their health concerns, medical history, and lifestyle factors. Performing physical examinations, including pulse diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha) and assessing Dosha imbalances (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). Treatment Planning and Prescription: Developing personalized treatment plans based on Ayurvedic principles to address the root causes of illnesses and promote overall wellness. Prescribing herbal medicines, dietary recommendations, lifestyle modifications, and therapeutic practices (e.g., Panchakarma therapies) as part of treatment. Herbal Medicine Formulation: Formulating and preparing Ayurvedic medicines and remedies using herbs, minerals, and natural substances according to traditional practices and modern standards. Ensuring the quality, purity, and safety of herbal formulations through proper sourcing, processing, and preparation methods. Dietary and Lifestyle Counseling: Providing dietary guidelines based on individual Prakriti (constitution) and Dosha balance to support health maintenance and disease management. Educating patients on Ayurvedic principles of nutrition, seasonal routines (Ritucharya), and daily regimen (Dinacharya) for optimal well-being. Therapeutic Procedures: Administering and overseeing Ayurvedic therapies and treatments, such as Abhyanga (oil massage), Shirodhara (oil pouring on the forehead), and Basti (enema therapy). Supervising Panchakarma procedures (detoxification therapies) to eliminate toxins, rejuvenate the body, and restore balance. Health Promotion and Prevention: Promoting preventive healthcare strategies and lifestyle modifications to prevent diseases and maintain health through Ayurvedic principles. Conducting wellness workshops, seminars, and educational sessions to raise awareness about Ayurveda and holistic health practices. Collaboration and Referral: Collaborating with other healthcare providers, specialists, and allied health professionals to integrate Ayurvedic treatments with conventional medical care when necessary. Referring patients to specialists or hospitals for diagnostic tests, surgeries, or treatments beyond the scope of Ayurveda. Documentation and Record-Keeping: Maintaining accurate and detailed medical records of patient consultations, diagnoses, treatment plans, and progress notes. Ensuring confidentiality of patient information and compliance with regulatory requirements in healthcare documentation. Continuous Learning and Research: Staying updated with advances in Ayurvedic medicine, research studies, and clinical trials to enhance knowledge and treatment effectiveness. Participating in continuing education programs, workshops, and conferences related to Ayurveda and integrative medicine. Ethical Practice and Patient Care: Practicing Ayurveda with integrity, compassion, and respect for patients' beliefs, cultural backgrounds, and personal preferences. Upholding ethical standards and professional conduct in all aspects of patient care, including informed consent, confidentiality, and patient autonomy.