Ayurveda Doctor Job in Kochi

Kochi, Kerala Full Time Date: 17 June 2024

Job description

Patient Consultation: Conducting thorough consultations with patients to understand their medical history, current symptoms, lifestyle, and dietary habits. This helps in determining the underlying imbalances and recommending personalized treatment plans. Diagnosis and Assessment: Using Ayurvedic principles such as dosha (constitutional) analysis, pulse diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha), and examination of physical symptoms to diagnose health conditions and imbalances. Treatment Planning: Developing individualized treatment protocols that may include herbal remedies (such as powders, tablets, decoctions), dietary adjustments, lifestyle modifications, detoxification therapies (Panchakarma), yoga, meditation, and specific therapies like oil massages (Abhyanga) or steam treatments (Swedana). Herbal Medicine Prescription: Prescribing and preparing Ayurvedic herbal medicines and formulations tailored to address specific health issues and support overall well-being. Monitoring and Follow-up: Monitoring the progress of patients throughout the course of treatment, making adjustments as necessary, and providing ongoing support and guidance. Conducting regular follow-up consultations to assess effectiveness and ensure patient compliance. Health Education: Educating patients about Ayurvedic principles, lifestyle practices, and preventive healthcare measures to empower them in maintaining optimal health and preventing future illnesses. Collaboration and Referrals: Collaborating with other healthcare professionals, such as conventional doctors or specialists, when necessary. Referring patients to other practitioners or healthcare facilities for diagnostic tests or treatments outside the scope of Ayurveda. Documentation and Record-keeping: Maintaining accurate and detailed records of patient consultations, treatments prescribed, progress notes, and any relevant medical information in compliance with regulatory standards. Research and Continuing Education: Staying updated with advancements in Ayurvedic medicine, participating in research studies, and continuing education to enhance knowledge and skills. Ethical Practice: Adhering to ethical standards and guidelines set by Ayurvedic professional organizations and regulatory bodies. Ensuring patient confidentiality, informed consent, and practicing within legal boundaries.