Ayurveda Doctor Job in Kayamkulam

Kayamkulam, Kerala Full Time Date: 11 June 2024

Job description

Patient Consultation and Assessment: Conduct thorough consultations with patients to understand their medical history, lifestyle, dietary habits, and current health concerns. Perform physical examinations, including pulse diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha) and observation of tongue, eyes, skin, and other physical features to assess dosha imbalances and overall health status. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning: Determine the patient's Prakriti (constitution) and Vikriti (current imbalance) based on Ayurvedic principles of Tridosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). Develop personalized treatment plans using a combination of herbal remedies, dietary recommendations, lifestyle modifications, detoxification therapies (Panchakarma), and other Ayurvedic modalities. Herbal Medicine Prescription: Prescribe Ayurvedic herbal formulations, including single herbs (monoherbal) or compound formulations (polyherbal), tailored to address the specific health needs and imbalances of individual patients. Provide guidance on the proper dosage, administration, and duration of herbal remedies, as well as potential side effects or interactions. Dietary and Lifestyle Counseling: Offer dietary recommendations based on the patient's dosha imbalance, digestive capacity (Agni), and nutritional needs. Provide lifestyle guidance, including suggestions for daily routines (Dinacharya), seasonal routines (Ritucharya), and stress management techniques (Pranayama, Yoga, Meditation). Panchakarma and Ayurvedic Therapies: Administer Panchakarma therapies, such as Abhyanga (oil massage), Shirodhara (oil pouring on the forehead), Basti (medicated enema), and Nasya (nasal administration), to detoxify the body and balance doshas. Recommend other Ayurvedic therapies and modalities, including Swedana (herbal steam), Pizhichil (oil bath), and Netra Tarpana (eye treatment), as appropriate for individual health conditions. Follow-Up and Monitoring: Schedule regular follow-up appointments to assess the progress of treatment, adjust therapy protocols as needed, and provide ongoing support and guidance to patients. Monitor changes in symptoms, dosha balance, and overall health status to ensure the effectiveness and safety of Ayurvedic interventions. Health Education and Promotion: Educate patients about the principles of Ayurveda, including the concept of Prakriti, doshas, Dhatus (tissues), and Mala (waste products). Promote preventive healthcare practices and self-care routines to maintain optimal health and well-being in accordance with Ayurvedic principles. Collaboration and Referral: Collaborate with other healthcare providers, including allopathic doctors, specialists, and complementary therapists, to ensure integrated and holistic care for patients. Refer patients to other healthcare professionals or specialists when necessary for further evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment outside the scope of Ayurveda. Professional Development: Stay updated on developments in Ayurvedic medicine, research findings, and evidence-based practices through continuous education, training, and participation in professional organizations. Adhere to ethical standards, legal regulations, and guidelines governing the practice of Ayurveda, including patient confidentiality and informed consent.